April 24, 2004
@ 04:52 AM

In response to a post about tunneling variables in XSLT 2.0 on the Lambda the Ultimate weblog, Frank Atanassow writes

The markup language community is notorious for reinventing and duplicating concepts and terminology, sometimes even their own. Thus they have "minimum literals" rather than "string literals", "parameter entities" rather than "macros", "templates" rather than "procedures" or "functions", "validate" rather "type-check", "data binding" rather than "translation", "unmarshal" rather than "parse" et cetera.

I suspect that a lot of this is due to sins of omission instead of sins of commision. People in the markup world just aren't that aware of what's going on in the world of programming languages [or databases] and vice versa. I have to deal with this a lot at work.

Thanks to Joshua Allen for pointing out this comment to me.