February 21, 2006
@ 06:05 PM

Mike Gunderloy hits a number of my pet peeves in his Daily Grind 823 post where he writes

The Problem with Single Sign-In Systems - Dare Obesanjo attempts to explain why Passport is so annoying. But hey, you know what - your customers don't care about the technical issues. They just want it to work. Explaining how hard the problem is just makes you look like a whiner. This principle applies far beyond Passport.

Pet peeve #1, my name is spelled incorrectly. I find this really irritating especially since anyone who is writing about something I blogged about can just cut and paste my name from their RSS reader or my webpage. I can't understand why there are so many people who mispell my name as Dare Obesanjo or  Dare Obsanjo. Is it really that much of a hassle to use cut & paste? 

Pet peeve #2, projecting silly motives as to why I wrote a blog post. My blog is a personal weblog where I talk about [mostly technical] stuff that affects me in my professional and personal life. It isn't a Microsoft PR outlet aimed at end users. 

Pet peeve #3, not being able to tell the difference between what I wrote and what someone else did. Trevin is the person who wrote a blog post trying to explain the user experience issues around Passport sign-in, I just linked to it.