Every once in a while someone asks me about software companies to work for in the Seattle area that aren't Microsoft, Amazon or Google. This is the third in a series of weekly posts about startups in the Seattle area that I often mention to people when they ask me this question.

AgileDelta builds XML platforms for mobile devices that are optimized for low power, low bandwidth devices. They have two main products; Efficient XML and Mobile Information Client. I'm more familiar with the Efficient XML since it has been selected as the basis for the W3C's binary XML format and has been a lynch pin for a lot of the debate around binary XML.  The Efficient XML product is basically a codec which allows you to create and consume XML in their [soon to be formerly] proprietary binary format that makes it more efficient for use in mobile device scenarios. A quick look at their current customer lists indicates that their customer base is mostly military and/or defence contractors. I hadn't realized how popular XML was in military circles.  

AgileDelta was founded by John Schneider and Rich Rollman who are formerly of Crossgain, a company founded by Adam Bosworth which was acquired by BEA. Before that Rich Rollman was at Microsoft and he was one of the key folks behind MSXML and SQLXML. Another familiar XML geek who works there is Derek Denny-Brown who spent over half a decade working as a key developer on the XML parsers at Microsoft.

Press: AgileDelta in PR Newswire

Location: Bellevue, WA

Jobs: careers@agiledelta.com, current open positions are for a Software Engineer, Sales Professional, Technical Writer and Quality Assurance Engineer.