Since tomorrow is the Data Sharing Summit, I was familiarizing myself with the OpenID specification because I was wondering how it dealt with people making false claims about their identity.

Scenario: I go to which supports OpenID and claim that my URL is (i.e. I am Brad Fitzpatrick). The site redirects me to along with a query string that has certain parameters specified (e.g. “?openid.mode=checkid_immediate&openid.identity=brad&openid.return_to=”) which is a long winded way of saying “LiveJournal can you please confirm that this user is brad then redirect them back to our site when you’re done?” At this point, I could make an HTTP request to, specify the Referrer header value as and claim that I’ve been validated by LiveJournal as brad.  

This is a pretty rookie example but it gets the idea across. OpenID handles this spoofing problem by requiring an OpenID consumer (e.g. to first make an association request to the target OpenID provider (e.g. LiveJournal) before making performing any identity validation. The purpose of the request is to get back an association handle which is in actuality a shared secret between both services which should be specified by the Consumer as part of each checkid_immediate request made to the Identity Provider.  

There is also a notion of a dumb mode where instead of making the aforementioned association request, the consumer asks the Identity Provider whether the assoc_handle returned by the redirected user is a valid one via a check_authentication request. This is a somewhat chattier way to handle the problem but it leads to the same results.

So far, I think I like OpenID. Good stuff.

Now playing: Gangsta Boo - Who We Be