Last month there was a press release published by Sophos, an IT  security company, with the tantalzing title Sophos Facebook ID probe shows 41% of users happy to reveal all to potential identity thieves which reports the following

 The Sophos Facebook ID Probe involved creating a fabricated Facebook profile before sending out friend requests* to individuals chosen at random from across the globe.

Sophos Facebook ID Probe findings:

  • 87 of the 200 Facebook users contacted responded to Freddi, with 82 leaking personal information (41% of those approached)
  • 72% of respondents divulged one or more email address
  • 84% of respondents listed their full date of birth
  • 87% of respondents provided details about their education or workplace
  • 78% of respondents listed their current address or location
  • 23% of respondents listed their current phone number
  • 26% of respondents provided their instant messaging screenname

In the majority of cases, Freddi was able to gain access to respondents' photos of family and friends, information about likes/dislikes, hobbies, employer details and other personal facts. In addition, many users also disclosed the names of their spouses or partners, several included their complete résumés, while one user even divulged his mother's maiden name - information often requested by websites in order to retrieve account details.

This is another example of how Facebook needs to be better at managing multiple social contexts. Right now, there is no way for me to alter my privacy settings to prevent people who I’ve added to my “friends list” from seeing my personal information. The thing is my “friends list” comprised of more than just friends. It is comprised of co-workers, people who work at the same company, people I went to high school with, and close personal friends. There’s also the category of “people who read my blog or use RSS Bandit” that I generally tend to decline friend requests from. I don’t mind some of these people being able to access my personal information (e.g. cell phone number, email address, birthday, etc) but clearly I also don’t want every random person who reads my blog that wants to be my “friend” on Facebook to have access to this information. 

Is there a better way to do this? Below are screenshots of the permissions model we came up with for Profiles on MSN Spaces when I worked on the feature juxtaposed with the Profile permissions options on Facebook.

Profile privacy settings on Facebook


 Windows Live Spaces
Profile privacy settings on Windows Live Spaces

Straightforward isn’t it? I suspect that the problem here is that the folks at Facebook are refusing to acknowledge that their user base is changing now that they’ve opened up. As danah boyd writes in her post SNS visibility norms (a response to Scoble) 

Facebook differentiated itself by being private, often irritatingly so. Hell, in the beginning Harvard kids couldn't interact with their friends at Yale, but that quickly changed. Teens and their parents worship Facebook for its privacy structures, often not realizing that joining the "Los Angeles" network is not exactly private. For college students and high school students, the school and location network are really meaningful and totally viable structural boundaries for sociability. Yet, the 25+ crowd doesn't really live in the same network boundaries. I'm constantly shifting between LA and SF as my city network. When I interview teens, 80%+ of their FB network is from their high school. Only 8% of my network is from Berkeley and the largest network (San Francisco) only comprises 17% of my network. Networks don't work for highly-mobile 25+ crowd because they don't live in pre-defined networks. (For once, I'm an example!)
I don't really understand why Facebook decided to make public search opt-out. OK, I do get it, but I don't like it. Those who want to be PUBLIC are more likely to change settings than those who chose Facebook for its perceived privacy. Why did Facebook go from default-to-privacy-protection to default-to-exposure? I guess I know the answer to this... it's all about philosophy.

The first excerpt illustrates the point well. Facebook worked well as a social tool in the rigid social contexts of high school and college but completely breaks down when you’re all grown up.  Of course, the Facebook folks know this is an issue for some of their users. However it may be a “problem” that they consider to be By Design and not a bug.

The second excerpt is there because I’m surprised that danah is unsure about why Facebook profiles will now appear in search results. There are a lot of people for whom their social network profile is their primary or only online presence. Even for me, besides my blog(s), my Facebook profile is the only online identity Web which I keep updated regularly. It totally makes sense for Facebook to capitalize on this by making it so that everytime you search for a person whose primary presence is on their site, you get an ad to join their service [since only the fact that the person has a Facebook profile is exposed]. In addition, if you want to contact the person directly, you’re a lot better off joining Facebook and sending the person a private message than posting a comment on their blog [if they have one] or hoping that they’ve exposed their email address somewhere on the Web that isn’t their profile.

Update: The ability to expose a Limited Profile does render moot a lot of the points I just raised above. However making it a separate option from the privacy settings for the profile and incorrectly stating that your friends can always see your contact information makes it less likely to be used by users who are concerned about their privacy. Another example of a design flaw that is likely considered to be By Design according to the Facebook team.

Now playing: Metallica - The Unforgiven