I've been reading Dive Into Python for a couple of days have gotten far enough to tell what the following block of code does if the object variable is an arbitrary Python object

methodList = [method for method in dir(object) if callable(getattr(object, method))]
    processFunc = collapse and (lambda s: " ".join(s.split())) or (lambda s: s)
    print "\n".join(["%s %s" %
                       processFunc(str(getattr(object, method).__doc__)))
                     for method in methodList])

However I've been having a tougher time than I expected with learning Python using Dive Into Python for a couple of reasons, some to do with how the book is laid out and some to do with my choice of IronPython as my Python implementation of choice. The main problems I've been having are

  • IronPython doesn't have a number of standard libraries that are used in the book such as os, xml.dom, UserDict, sgmllib and so on. This means I can't construct or run a number of the more advanced samples in the book.
  • The book seems to dive into meaty topics before covering the basics. For example, introspection (aka reflection) and lambda functions (aka anonymous methods)  are covered in Chapter 4 while defining classes and importing modules is covered in Chapter 5. Similarly, a discussion on for loops seems to have been removed from the most recent version of the book and replaced with a discussion on list comprehensions which are definitely superior but more alien to the novice.
  • I tend to learn comparatively. Thus I would love to get a more direct mapping of constructs in C# to those in Python with  discussions on Python features that don't exist in C#. This is the tack I took with C# from a Java Developers perspective and it seems a lot of people found that useful.

For these reasons, I thought it would be useful to create a set of tutorials for myself that would address some of these issues I've been having. Then I wondered if other C# developers wouldn't find such an article or tutorial useful as well. Are there any C# developers out there that would actually be interested in this or am I an edge case?

PS: I wouldn't expect to get time to actually writing, editing and publishing such tutorials until the summer of next year at the earliest (which I expect should coincide with the availability of IronPython 2.0).