October 11, 2006
@ 01:33 AM

Niall Kennedy has a blog post entitled Widgets Live! conference in San Francisco on November 6 where he writes

The first ever conference dedicated to widgets, gadgets, and modules will take place on Monday, November 6, in San Francisco. The one-day conference will capture and summarize the emerging widget economy and allow developers, business leaders, and content producers to collaborate and better understand how they might participate in syndication at the edge of the network.

Widget endpoints

A small web loosely joined.

I am organizing a conference named Widgets Live! next month in partnership with Om Malik to capture the emerging webspace of widgets. There's so much happening in the fast-moving widget space right now it's a bit difficult to keep track of it all....There is so much activity in the customizable web powered by widgets we felt it was time to bring together the major players for a one-day industry overview and tutorial. We hope you can join us.

Tickets are only $100 and available now.

I've been talking to folks at work about this conference since Om Malik responded to my blog post about having a get together to talk about gadgets widgets. So far it looks like Microsoft folks from Live.com, Windows Live Spaces, Windows Live Gallery and the Windows Vista sidebar should in the house. The conference will be during the same week and in the same city as the O'Reilly Web 2.0 which has worked out perfectly for fitting people's schedules over here. Well, except for the folks who will be going to TechEd Europe.

Be there or be square . :)


Friday, October 13, 2006 7:08:32 AM (GMT Daylight Time, UTC+01:00)

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