1. XKCD: Pickup Lines: "If I could rearrange the alphabet..."

  2. Chart: Chances of a Man Winning an Argument plotted over Time: I'm in the middle period. :)

  3. Fake Steve Jobs: Microsoft Goes Pussy: "We've integrated search into our OS too. It makes sense. And Microsoft's search stuff in Vista is really good (God I just threw up in my mouth when I wrote that)..."

  4. Chris Kelly: Das Capital One: "Back before Capital One, there were just two kinds of consumers: People who could afford credit cards and people who couldn't afford credit cards...The guy who started Capital One imagined a third kind of person - someone who could almost afford a credit card. A virtual credit card holder. Something between a good risk and a social parasite."

  5. I CAN HAS CHEEZBURGER?: OH HAI GOOGLZ: Google Street View + lolcats = Comedic Gold

  6. Bileblog: Google Code - Ugliness is not just skin deep: "The administrative menu is, to put it as kindly as possible, whimsical.Menu items and options are scattered about like goat pebbleturds on amountain. The only option under ‘Advanced’ is ‘Delete this project’.How is that advanced functionality?"

  7. Wikipedia: Pokémon test: "Each of the 493 Pokémon has its own page, all of which are bigger than stubs. While it would be expected that Pikachu would have its own page, some might be surprised to find out that Stantler has its own page, as well. Some people perceive Pokémon as something 'for little kids' and argue that if that gets an article, so should their favorite hobby/band/made-up word/whatever."

  8. YouTube: A Cialis Ad With Cuba Gooding Jr.: From the folks at NationalBanana, lots of funny content on their site.

  9. Bumper Sticker: Hell Was Full: Saw this on my way to work.

  10. YouTube: Microsoft Surface Parody - "The future is here and it's not an iPhone. It's a big @$$ table. Take that Apple"


Wednesday, June 27, 2007 3:41:10 AM (GMT Daylight Time, UTC+01:00)
Of all the posts you make on your blog, this is the best. Not because I hardly understand the other stuff, but because your sense of humor is just rockin with this one, heh. You should do this every week if you have the time... or just code something to do it for ya. ;)
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