January 5, 2004
@ 08:37 AM

A few hours after my recent post about Roy's problems subscribing to feeds not being reproduible on my machine I stumbled on the following excerpt  from a post by Ted Leung

I've played with RSS Bandit and there were some recent laudatory posts about the latest versions, so this morning I downloaded a copy (after doing Windows update for Win2K on the Thinkpad, rebooting, installing a newer version of the .NET framework, and rebooting...) and installed it. Things seemed fine, at least until I started adding feeds. The first two feeds I added were hers and mine. RSS Bandit choked on both. Now we have a internal/external network setup, complete with split DNS and a whole bunch of other stuff. I figured that might be a problem, and started tweaking. The deeper I got, the more I realized it wasn't going to work. I foresaw many pleas for technical support followed by frustration -- I mean, *I* was frustrated. So I dumped that and went for Plan B, as it were.

What's truly weird about his post is that I was reading it in RSS Bandit which means reading his feed works fine for me on my machine but for some reason didn't work with his. In fact, I just checked his wife's blog and again no problems reading it in RSS Bandit. *sigh*

I suspect gremlins are to blame for this...


Monday, January 5, 2004 9:16:40 AM (GMT Standard Time, UTC+00:00)
Instead of blaming innocent gremlins consider comprehensive error logging. It's always more productive to know that feed URL is timed out ot not wellformed instead of listening to "it choked on it" subjective crap.
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