Looking at the calendar I realized that I have two articles due this month, one for my Extreme XML column on MSDN and another that I promised XML.com a few months ago. I was reminded of this by the following excerpt from Ed Dumbill's recent article On Folly where he wrote

Champion cited two developments of particular interest. The first is E4X, the addition of native XML capabilities to ECMAScript. An implementation of this in the Mozilla project is currently coming to fruition. The second development is "Comega" (aka "Cω"), an extension of C# including native XML data types. (Editor's Note: Watch XML.com for a forthcoming introduction to Comega from Dare Obasanjo.)

So I'm on the hook for an overview of Cω. I started to wonder whether it wouldn't be cool if my Extreme XML column focused deeply on Cω while my XML.com article was an overview of both E4X and Cω. This would save me some effort in coming up with a separate topic for my Extreme XML column but should provide interesting information for both XMl.com readers and MSDN readers. What do you think?


Friday, December 10, 2004 6:34:05 PM (GMT Standard Time, UTC+00:00)
I think an overview of E4X and Cω would be make a great article. Udell and others have written some nice intros to E4X, but I haven't heard anything about Cω so far.
Sunday, December 12, 2004 9:49:24 AM (GMT Standard Time, UTC+00:00)
Yeah, that's better than to read two shallow articles. Go deep!
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