March 9, 2003
@ 11:58 PM
RSS Bandit Recent Changes

Both Joshua and Sam Ruby have mentioned that they are subscribed to so many dozens of feeds that a flat display without any way to organize them doesn't cut it. I decided to use a tree view for RSS Bandit instead of a list view like Syndirella does primarily because I knew I'd eventually add this feature.

Adding resizable panes was something that completely failed to work whenever I tried it. Richard Nichols pointed out where I was going astray in a comment on GotDotNet then sent me a patch. Short version, anchored components and splitters don't mix.

I hacked in support for RSS 0.9 because a user (hi, Shawn) pointed out that OS News spits out feeds in the original Netscape format.

You no longer need to be an Administrator to run RSS Bandit because I stopped writing the feeds.xml file to C\Program Files\ but instead to %APPDATA%\RssBandit which should be C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Application Data\RssBandit

Being that they are completely decoupled from the GUI the RSS processing bits now ship in their own DLL called RssComponents.dll . This should silence people like Dustin Mihalik who claimed that my RSS processing code wasn't modular enough to be reused.

If that doesn't silence them I'm sure a pointer to a VB.NET version of RSS Bandit written by Sebastiano Mas using the Magic Library should. Not only is his GUI extremely professional looking but it is completely rewritten in VB.NET with the only bits from my code used being my RSS processing bits which he packaged into a file called RssBandit.dll.

To download my freshest version of RSS Bandit, go here. I don't have a binary for Sebastiano's version nor do I have permission from him to redistribute it but will keep folks posted once we communicate again.


Tantek's Feed

It seems quite a few people grab Tantek's feed from my machine after he officially recognized it in his blog. Some people may have noticed that the feed is out of date. This isn't my fault, Tantek's blog isn't valid XML although it claims to be XHTML.

I've tried to contact Tantek to fix it but his mailbox is full and keeps bouncing. I could work around it by preprocessing his web page first but I'd hate to encourage spitting out invalid XHTML especially from a W3C standards rep. Hopefully he'll read this or someone who works closer with him will so I can get back to my regularly scheduled syndication.


It's Not A Bug...'s a feature.


Get yourself a News Aggregator and subscribe to my RSSfeed

Disclaimer: The above comments do not represent the thoughts, intentions, plans or strategies of my employer. They are solely my opinion.



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