March 1, 2005
@ 04:01 PM

The past two months was hectic for me at work but things have started to calm down. It's been great learning about the MSN communications infrastructure and working on the design for our next generation of communications services for end users. Of course, now my extracurricular activities have begun to pile up. Below is a brief list of things I plan to begin and/or complete before the end of the month

I'm sure there is something I've forgotten from this list. Anyway, I am pretty excited about everything on the above list and even moreso about work especially since most of the extracurricular stuff is related to my day job. I guess that turns the Sex & Cash Theory on its head.


Wednesday, March 2, 2005 9:37:50 PM (GMT Standard Time, UTC+00:00)
I've submitted a paper too. Do you know when we'll find out if we're accepted? I hope to see you there.
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