A couple of days ago, I wrote that based on my experiences with Kuro5hin I wouldn't be surprised by small sets of users dominating the content and focus of Digg since it is practically the same kind of site. Duggtrends has a blog post entitled Digg user statisitcs & trends which confirms these suspicions. It states

From our database, for the period of 6/19/2006 9:31:28 PM to 7/30/2006 4:41:34 PM a total of 6013 stories were promoted to front page of these
  • top 10 users contributed 1792 i.e 29.8%
  • top 100 contributed 3324 stories i.e 55.28% (which is again what exactly SEOMOZ reported)
This clearly shows the shift from the Kevin Rose reported numbers from 26.8% to 55.28%; top users are contributing more & more to digg

As per Jason Martinez (and Calacanis points in his blog) 60% of Digg’s front page is the top 0.03% users and provides this graph.

It looks like the 1% rule is in full effect. This has always been the nature of online communication from mailing lists and newsgroups to Web-based message boards and social bookmarking sites. Human nature will always shine through at the end.

PS: Has anyone else seen that the Digg REST API has now been documented? Thanks to Michael Brundage for the tip.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 9:05:42 PM (GMT Daylight Time, UTC+01:00)
I'm concerned about the proliferation of Rails-inspired RESTful APIs that do not use querystrings.

For example, why this:
http://services.digg.com/story/[store ID]activity?period=hour

Instead of this:
http://services.digg.com/?cmd=activity&id=[story ID]&period=hour

Querystrings have two huge benefits: 1) they are well understodd and proven and 2) they work with browsers and standard HTTP FORM GETs.
Thursday, August 3, 2006 11:00:53 PM (GMT Daylight Time, UTC+01:00)
Dear Carnage4Life,

Why is your site so boring? You seem like an interesting guy, being African and all, but instead all of your posts drop like a load of oatmeal. Let's spice it up a bit. That is all.

Concerned Net Citizen
Jim S
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