June 14, 2005
@ 02:32 PM

So it looks like I'll be attending Gnomedex 5.0 next week. I had expected to sit it out but a chance to attend fell in my lap last week so I took the opportunity. The conference will be in walking distance from my apartment and will be all about blogging & RSS related topics so it is doubleplusgood that I'll get to go.

I exchanged some mail with Nick Bradbury and Chris Pirillo about being part of an aggregator developer get together during the conference so that should be fun too. I'm looking forward to meeting a bunch of folks who I've only exchanged mail with over the past few years.



Monday, June 20, 2005 10:08:04 PM (GMT Daylight Time, UTC+01:00)
Hey Dare - looking forward to meeting you!
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