June 19, 2003
@ 12:58 AM
Dedicated to Bob Abooey, the true Godfather of the Funk
  • One of the users of RSS Bandit took the capability to create custom themes via XSLT to the next level and his custom theme uses Javascript to create a voice enabled hottie who reads blog posts him. Here's a screenshot of the Living Actor enabled RSS Bandit. You should visit his site (Warning: Lots of active content)

  • Matrix Reloaded: The Abridged Script

  • Fumiaki Yoshimitsu still doesn't see anything wrong with derivation by restriction.
    So, my concern right now is whether it is really so problematic to validate DBR-ed instances and schemas using different validaters. But Dare, if it is so, then what sucks is not DBR but validaters...Are they working so hard, or the spec is so sucked they are not willing to?
    Part of me really wants to take offence at this post but it's not Fumiaki's fault. I remember being in college and thinking to myself "How hard is it for these bonehead companies to implement a simple spec?" Now that I've actually worked closely with some of these specs my opinion has significantly changed. I'm not going to bother trying to point out how complex the XSD spec is because you can just read it yourself. In fact, I can ask a few simple questions to show how straightforward the spec is

    1. What are the differences between block and final on elements vs. complex types?
    2. Can a simple type be derived from a complex type?
    3. Can xsi:schemaLocation appear anywhere in an instance document? If so what are its effects on previously validated elements?
    4. Does XSD disallow non-deterministic schemas? If so what rules in the spec actually disallow them?
    5. what do processContents="lax" and namespace="##other" really mean on a wildcard?

    These are five straightforward questions not tricky ones by XSD standards (because those involve actually writing out schemas). Attempting to correctly answer such questions using the various specs as a guide is instructive and should help one understand how difficult the folks writing XSD validators have it.
    My thinking is that DBR is for local extension, while open content model is for outsiders. If an XSD schema was created by myself, then I can use DBR for my next schema. If an XSD schema was created by others, then I can't extend the schema unless they have defined xs:any in their schema.
    The above statement doesn't make sense to me. Derivation by restriction means the subtype has a content model that is a subset of the content model of the base type so I fail to see how one can use this for local extension. Secondly one can derive from types authored by other parties and in fact can use substitution groups or xsi:type in instances to ensure that the derived types are used in place of the base types where they are expected in an instance

  • I bought a TiVo this weekend. I love it already although I have to teach it that just because I like X-Men:Evolution and Justice League doesn't mean it should preemptively record every brain dead early morning cartoon show.

  • A little while ago Ray Ozzie contacted me about some issues he was having with RSS Bandit which mostly boiled down to the fact that it does not process feeds that contain invalid XML even though this seems to be standard practice amongst RSS clients. Both Torsten and I firmly think this is a bad practice.

    Dare's Opinion

    Torsten's Opinion

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Disclaimer: The above comments do not represent the thoughts, intentions, plans or strategies of my employer. They are solely my opinion.


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