January 9, 2004
@ 05:27 AM

For the last couple of months I've noticed a rather annoying bug with my cellphone, an LG 5350. Whenever I enter a new contact it also copies the person's number over the number of an existing contact. If I later delete the new entry it also deletes the copied over number from the other contact. I've lost a couple of folk's phone numbers due to this annoyance. I'm now in the market for a new phone.

The main features I want besides the standard cell phone features (makes calls, addressbook) are the ability to sync with my calendar in Outlook and perhaps the ability to get information on traffic conditions as well.   

I'm currently torn between getting a SmartPhone and a Pocket PC Phone Edition. Too bad stores don't let you test drive cellphones like they do cars.


Saturday, 10 January 2004 02:20:15 (GMT Standard Time, UTC+00:00)
Give them a few months. :)
Saturday, 10 January 2004 06:19:22 (GMT Standard Time, UTC+00:00)
The smartphone's nifty, but I couldn't live without the stylus on my PPC phone. Before I had the PPC, I had a T68 and I got very tired of doing even short SMSes on the number pad.
Tuesday, 13 January 2004 17:04:50 (GMT Standard Time, UTC+00:00)
I'm super happy with my Sony Ericsson T600. It's definately a phone, not a PDA, but bluetooth syncs with Outlook great, including hierarchical phonebook as well as calendar functions.

You could get traffic info via GPRS to any website you want.

The camera is very poor in low-light, but I got a add-on flash free after rebate when I bought the phone.

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