December 30, 2007
@ 11:19 PM


POST /reader/api/0/subscription/edit HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Cookie: SID=DQAAAHoAAD4SjpLSFdgpOrhM8Ju-JL2V1q0aZxm0vIUYa-p3QcnA0wXMoT7dDr7c5FMrfHSZtxvDGcDPTQHFxGmRyPlvSvrgNe5xxQJwPlK_ApHWhzcgfOWJoIPu6YuLAFuGaHwgvFsMnJnlkKYtTAuDA1u7aY6ZbL1g65hCNWySxwwu__eQ
Content-Length: 182
Expect: 100-continue


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Set-Cookie: GRLD=UNSET;Path=/reader/
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Cache-control: private
Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2007 23:08:51 GMT
Server: GFE/1.3

<html><head><title>500 Server Error</title>
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      div.nav A {font-size: 10pt; color: black}
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<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#ffffff"><table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="100%"></table>
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<tr><td bgcolor="#3366cc"><font face="arial,sans-serif" color="#ffffff"><b>Error</b></font></td></tr>
<blockquote><h1>Server Error</h1>
The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your request.<p></p> Please try again in 30 seconds.

<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td bgcolor="#3366cc"><img alt="" width="1" height="4"></td></tr></table></body></html>


Categories: Platforms | Programming | XML Web Services

With the v1.6.0.0 out of the door, I've shipped what I think is our most interesting feature in years and resolved  an issue that was making RSS Bandit a nuisance to lots of sites on the Internet.

The feature I'm currently working on is an idea I'm calling supporting multiple feed sources. For a few years, we've had support for roaming your feed list and read/unread state between two computers using an FTP site, a shared folder or NewsGator Online. Although useful, this functionality has always seemed bolted on. You have to manually upload and download feeds from these locations instead of things happening automatically and transparently as they do with the typical mail reader + mail server scenario (e.g. Outlook + Exchange) which is the most comparable model.

My original idea for the feature was simply to make the existing NewsGator and RSS Bandit integration work automatically instead of via a manual download so it could be more like Outlook + Exchange. Then I realized that there could never be full integration because there are feeds that RSS Bandit can read that a Web-based feed reader like NewsGator Online can not (e.g. feeds within your company's intranet if you read feeds at work). This meant that we would need an explicit demarcation of feeds that roamed in NewsGator Online and those that were local to that machine.

In addition, I got a bunch of feedback from our users that there were a lot more of them using Google Reader than using NewsGator Online. Since I was already planning to do a bunch of work to streamline synchronizing with NewsGator Online, adding another Web-based feed reader didn't seem like a stretch. I'm currently working on a command line only prototype in IronPython which uses the information from the reverse engineered Google Reader API documentation to retrieve and update my feed subscriptions. I'm about part way through and it seems that the Google Reader API is as full featured as the NewsGator API so we should be good to go.  I should be able to integrate this functionality into RSS Bandit within the next few weeks.

The tricky part will be how the UI integration should work. For example, Google Reader doesn't support hierarchical folders of feeds like we do. Instead there is a flat namespace of tag names but each feed can have one or more tags applied to it. On the flip side, NewsGator Online uses the hierarchical folder model like RSS Bandit does. I'm considering moving to a more Google Reader friendly model in the next release where we flatten hierarchies and instead go with a flat tag-based approach to organizing feeds. For the case, of feeds synchronized from NewsGator Online we will prevent users from putting feeds in multiple categories since that won't be supported by the service.

Now Playing: Eminem - Evil Deeds


Categories: RSS Bandit

December 26, 2007
@ 05:22 PM

The new version of RSS Bandit is now available. This release fixes a bug that causes the application to repeatedly request favicons from a feed's website in a manner that eventually resembles a denial of service attack. The new feature in this release is the [Top Stories] button.

The rationale for the new feature is given in Omar Shahine's blog post entitled Google Reader needs Mute. Omar wrote

Here is a feature that Google Reader needs: Mute.

Why, Cause subscribing to a lot of tech bloggers, a-list folks, and news outlets is extremely annoying when they write about the same thing. You get tired of seeing dozens or hundreds of posts about Kindle, Facebook, ThinkSecret and on and on.

These days I feel like my blogging info is like the local news (which I stopped watching some time back in high school).

So, please google, let me mute or mark read all feed items on a certain topic as read and save me the hassle of suffering through the repetition and pain.

The Top Stories feature is meant to target exactly this scenario. When you click on it, you get a list of the most recently popular items among your subscriptions. From there you can hit "Mark Items as Read" and mark all of the linking posts as read once you've gotten the gist of the story.

We don't have a Mute option where all posts that link to a story are automatically marked as read or deleted after being downloaded. This seems like overkill to me but would love to get some feedback from our users if this would be a desirable feature.

This release is available in the following languages; English, German, Polish, French, Simplified Chinese, Russian, Brazilian Portuguese, Turkish, Dutch, Italian, Serbian and Bulgarian.

Download the installer from . A snapshot of the source code will be available later in the week as a source code release.

New Features

  • Top Stories button shows the ten most recently popular links in your subscriptions.
  • Twitter plugin enables posting tweets about news stories or responding to tweets in an RSS feed.

Major Bug Fixes

  • plugin silently fails when posting items with tags containing special characters like '#' or '+'
  • Downloading feed list from NewsGator Online deletes local machine and intranet feeds
  • KeyNotFoundException if "Mark All Items as Read" clicked shortly after changing the URL for a subscribed feed.
  • 100% CPU used when an RSS feed with no <channel> element is encountered.
  • Downloading favicons happens several times while the application is running instead of just once.
  • The "Check for updates" feature would sometimes result in the application crashing.


Categories: RSS Bandit

There is a post in a Slashdot user Felipe Hoffa's journal entitled Google Reader shares private data, ruins Christmas (alternate link) which contains a very damning indictment of the Google Reader team. It all starts with the release of the Sharing with Friends feature which is described below

We've just launched a new feature that makes it easier to follow your
friends' shared items in Google Reader. Check out the announcement on
our blog:

The short description of it is this: If any of your friends from
Google Talk are using Reader and sharing items, you'll see them listed
in your sidebar under "Friends' shared items." Similarly, they'll be
able to see any items you're sharing. You can hide items from any
friend you don't want to see, and you can also opt out of sharing by
removing all your shared items. For full details, check out the
following help articles:

This is still a very experimental feature, so we'd love to hear what
you think of it.

Unsurprisingly, there has been a massive negative outcry about this feature. The main reason for the flood of complaints (many of which are excerpted in Felipe Hoffa's journal) is the fact that the Google Reader team has decided to define "friends" as anyone in your Gmail contact list.

On the surface this seems a lot like the initial backlash over the Facebook news feed. Google Reader users are complaining about their Gmail contacts having an easy way of viewing a list of feeds the user had already made public. I imagine that the Google folks have begun to make arguments like "If Facebook can get away with it, we should be able to as well" to justify some of their recent social networking moves such as this one and Google Profiles.

However the Google Reader team made failed to grasp two key aspects of social software  here:

  1. Internet Users Don't Fully Grasp that Everything on the Web is Public Unless Behind Access Controls: To most users of the Internet, if I create a Web page and don't tell anyone about it, then the page is private and known only to me. Similarly, if I create a blog or shared bookmarks on a social bookmarking site then no one should know about it unless I send them links to the page. 

    As someone who's worked on the Access Control technology behind Windows Live sharing initiatives from SkyDrive to Windows Live Spaces I know this isn't the case. The only way to make something private on the Web is to place it behind access controls that require users to be authenticated and authorized before they can view the content you've created.

    The Google Reader developers assumed that their average users were like me and would assume that their content was public even if it had an obfuscated URL. The problem here is that even if it was "technically" true that Shared Items in Google Reader were public although with an obfuscated URL, the fact that there was URL obfuscation involved implies that they realized that users didn't want their Shared Items to be PUBLIC. Arguing that the items were "technically" public and thus justifying broadcasting the items to the user's Gmail contacts seems dubious at best.

  2. Friends in One Context are not Necessarily Friends in Another: The bigger problem is that the folks at Google are trying to build a unified social graph across all their application as a way to compete with the powerful social network that Facebook has built. I've previously talked about the problems faced by a unified social graph based on what I've seen working on the social graph contacts platform for Windows Live. The fact that I send someone email does not mean that I want to make them an IM buddy nor does it mean that I want them to have access to all the items I find interesting in my RSS feeds since some of these items may reveal political, religious or even sexual leanings that I did not mean to share with someone I just happen to exchange email with frequently.

    Deciding that instead of having GTalk IM buddies, Gmail contacts, and Google Reader friends that users should just have Google Friends may simplify things for some program managers at Google but it causes problems for users who now have to deal with the consequence of their different social contexts beginning to bleed into each other. Even though Facebook is a single application, they have this problem with users having to manage contacts from multiple social contexts (family, friends, co-workers, etc) within a single application let alone applications with extremely different uses.

My assumption is that the folks at Google Reader will put in a some time over the weekend and will add granular privacy controls as recommended by Robert Scoble. I also predict that we will see more ham fisted attempts to grow their social graph at the expense of user privacy from various large [and small] Web properties including Facebook in 2008. 

In the words of Scott McNealy, "Privacy is Dead. Get Over It"


Categories: Social Software

December 26, 2007
@ 05:21 PM

Justin Rudd writes in his blog post entited Your Attention Please

After 3 years and 3 months, I am leaving my position at on December 31st.
My next “gig” is one that I am extraordinarily excited about.  I’m going to Microsoft to be part of the Live Labs team.  This group really excites me because it gives me a chance to find new areas for Microsoft Live to get into, to expand on what Microsoft Live already has, work closely with Microsoft Research, etc.  This is a job that really excites the tinkerer side of my brain.  I can’t wait to get started.

Many thanks to Dare Obasanjo for being my employee referral

Justin is my second official referral of someone I've "known" via reading their blog. I hope he ends up working at Microsoft a little longer than the last blog friend I referred. :)


Categories: Personal

Sometime last week, Amazon soft launched Amazon SimpleDB, a hosted service for storing and querying structured data. This release plugged a hole in their hosted Web services offerings which include the Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) and the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). Amazon’s goal of becoming the “Web OS” upon which the next generation of Web startups builds upon came off as hollow when all they gave you was BLOB storage and hosted computation but not structured storage. With SimpleDB, they’re almost at the point where all the tools you need for building the next or Flickr can be provided by Amazon’s Web Services. The last bit they need to provide is actual Web hosting so that developers don’t need to resort to absurd dynamic DNS hacks when interacting with their Amazon applications from the Web.

The Good: Comoditizing hosted services and getting people to think outside the relational database box

The data model of SimpleDB is remarkably similar to Google’s BigTable in that instead of having multiple tables and relations between them, you get a single big giant table which is accessed via the tuple of {row key, column key}. Although, both SimpleDB and BigTable allow applications to store multiple values for a particular tuple, they do so in different ways. In BigTable, multiple values are additionally keyed by timestamp so I can access data such using tuples such as {””,  “incoming_links”, “12–12–2007”}. In Amazon’s SimpleDB I’d simply be able to store multiple values for a particular key pair so I could access {”Dare Obasanjo”, “weblogs”} and it would return (“”, “”, “”).

Another similarity that both systems share, is that there is no requirement that all “rows” in a table share the same schema nor is there an explicit notion of declaring a schema. In SimpleDB, tables are called domains, rows are called items and the columns are called attributes. 

It is interesting to imagine how this system evolved. From experience, it is clear that everyone who has had to build a massive relational database that database joins kill performance. The longer you’ve dealt with massive data sets, the more you begin to fall in love with denormalizing your data so you can scale. Taking to its logical extreme, there’s nothing more denormalized than a single table. Even better, Amazon goes a step further by introducing multivalued columns which means that SimpleDB isn’t even in First Normal Form whereas we all learned in school that the minimum we should aspire to is Third Normal Form.

I think it is great to see more mainstream examples that challenge the traditional thinking of how to store, manage and manipulate large amounts of data.

I also think the pricing is very reasonable. If I was a startup founder, I’d strongly consider taking Amazon Web Services for a spin before going with a traditional LAMP or WISC approach.  

The Bad: Eventual Consistency and Data Values are Weakly Typed

The documentation for the PutAttributes method has the following note

Because Amazon SimpleDB makes multiple copies of your data and uses an eventual consistency update model, an immediate GetAttributes or Query request (read) immediately after a DeleteAttributes or PutAttributes request (write) might not return the updated data.

This may or may not be a problem depending on your application. It may be OK for a style application if it took a few minutes before your tag updates were applied to a bookmark but the same can’t be said for an application like Twitter. What would be useful for developers would be if Amazon gave some more information around the delayed propagation such as average latency during peak and off-peak hours.

There is another interesting note in the documentation of the Query method which states

 Lexicographical Comparison of Different Data Types

Amazon SimpleDB treats all entities as UTF-8 strings. Keep this in mind when storing and querying different data types, such as numbers or dates. Design clients to convert their data into an appropriate string format, so that query expression return expected results.

The following are suggested methods for converting different data types into strings for proper lexicographical order enforcement:

  • Positive integers should be zero-padded to match the largest number of digits in your data set. For example, if the largest number you are planning to use in a range is 1,000,000, every number that you store in Amazon SimpleDB should be zero-padded to at least 7 digits. You would store 25 as 0000025, 4597 as 0004597, and so on.

  • Negative integers should be offset and turned into positive numbers and zero-padded. For example, if the smallest negative integer in your data set is -500, your application should add at least 500 to every number that you store. This ensures that every number is now positive and enables you to use the zero-padding technique.

  • To ensure proper lexicographical order, convert dates to the ISO 8601 format.

[Note] Note

Amazon SimpleDB provides utility functions within our sample libraries that help you perform these conversions in your application.

This is ghetto beyond belief. I should know ahead of time what the lowest number will be in my data set and add/subtract offsets from data values when inserting and retrieving them from SimpleDB? I need to know the largest number in my data set and zero pad to that length? Seriously, WTF?

It’s crazy just thinking about the kinds of bugs that could be introduced into applications because of this wacky semantics and the recommended hacks to get around them. Even if this is the underlying behavior of SimpleDB, Amazon should have fixed this up in an APIs layer above SimpleDB then exposed that instead of providing ghetto helper functions in a handful of popular programming languages then crossing their fingers hoping that no one hits this problem.  

The Ugly: Web Interfaces, that Claim to be RESTful but Aren’t

I’ve talked about APIs that claim to be RESTful but aren’t in the past but Amazon’s takes the cake when it comes to egregious behavior. Again, from the documentation for the PutAttributes method we learn

Sample Request

The following example uses PutAttributes on Item123 which has attributes (Color=Blue), (Size=Med) and (Price=14.99) in MyDomain. If Item123 already had the Price attribute, this operation would replace the values for that attribute.
&AWSAccessKeyId=[valid access key id]

Sample Response

<PutAttributesResponse xmlns="">

Wow. A GET request with a parameter called Action which modifies data? What is this, 2005? I thought we already went through the realization that GET requests that modify data are bad after the Google Web Accelerator scare of 2005?

Of course, I'm not the only one that thinks this is ridonkulous. See similar comments from Stefan Tilkov, Joe Gregorio, and Steve Loughran. Methinks, someone at Amazon needs to go read some guidelines on building RESTful Web services.

Bonus points to Subbu Allamaraju for refactoring the SimpleDB API into a true RESTful Web service

Speaking of ridonkulous APIs trends, it seems the SimpleDB Query method follows the lead of the Google Base GData API in stuffing a SQL-like query language into the query string parameters of HTTP GET requests. I guess it is RESTful, but Damn is it ugly.

Now playing: J. Holiday - Suffocate


Categories: Platforms | XML Web Services

Two days ago a bug was filed in the RSS Bandit bug tracker that claimed that Slashdot is banning RSS Bandit users because the application is acting like a Denial of Service client. The root cause of the problem is a bug in the logic for downloading favicons where the application repeatedly attempts to download favicons from each site in your subscription list if there is an error accessing or processing one of the favicons in your list of subscriptions.

We will be releasing version of RSS Bandit this weekend which remedies this problem. I plan to spend all of Saturday fixing as many bugs as I can and polishing up the Top Stories feature. We will likely ship the release sometime on Sunday. It should be noted that this release will be the first version RSS Bandit that will require version 2.0 of the Microsoft .NET Framework or later.

I’d like to apologize to everyone who has been inconvenienced by this issue. Thanks for your support and the great feedback you’ve been sending us.

Now playing: Cool Breeze - Watch for the Hook (Dungeon Family Remix) (feat. Outkast & Goodie Mob)


Categories: RSS Bandit

In the past three months, I’ve seen three moves by Google that highlight that not only is their strategic vision becoming more questionable but their engineering talent has also begun to show signs of being seriously deficient

This year is going to be a watershed year for the company. They are eroding a lot of the geek cred they’ve built up over the past decade. That will be hard to regain once it is lost.

In the meantime, I’ve noticed an uptick in the quiet smart folks you don’t see heralded in blogs turning down offers from Google and picking another horse when the job offers come knocking. Watershed year, indeed.

Now playing: John Legend - I Can Change (feat. Snoop Doggy Dogg)


December 19, 2007
@ 03:14 PM

I’m now at the point where I really, really, really want to blog but have too much going on at work and at home to take the time out to do it. To deal with this I’ve created a Twitter account. You can follow me at

Things I’ll eventually write about in my blog

  • Amazon Simple DB
  • A new release of RSS Bandit shipping this weekend
  • Thoughts on integrating RSS Bandit and Google Reader based on information found from the pyrfeed documentation 
  • Expressiveness of Python vs. C# 3.0

In the meantime, you can get my thoughts on various topics in 140 characters or less from Twitter.

PS: I’m amazed at how obnoxious Twitter is about collecting the password to your GMail/Yahoo/Hotmail/etc account so it can spam your friends. At first glance, it looked as if it wouldn’t even let me use the service until I gave up those passwords. This crap has gotten out of hand.

PPS: Anyone got decent recommendations for a Twitter client that works on Vista and XP?

Now playing: N.W.A. - Real N*ggaz Don't Die


Categories: Personal

December 17, 2007
@ 05:52 PM

Recently my Cingular 3125 crapped out and I picked up an AT&T Tilt (aka HTC Kaiser) which I've already developed a love<->hate relationship with. I'd originally considered getting an iPhone but quickly gave up that dream when I realized it didn't integrate well with Microsoft Exchange. When you attend 3 - 5 meetings a day, having a phone that can tell you the room number, topic and attendees of your next meeting as you hop, skip and jump from meeting room to meeting room is extremely useful.

There's a lot I like about the phone. The QWERTY keyboard and wide screen make writing emails and browsing the Web a much better experience than on my previous phone. In addition, being able flip out the keyboard & tilt the screen is a spiffy enough effect that it gets ooohs and aaahs from onlookers the first time you do it. Another nice touch is that there are shortcut keys for Internet Explorer, your message center and the Start menu. When I was trying out the phone, the AT&T sales person said I'd become hooked on using those buttons and he was right, without them using the phone would be a lot more cumbersome.

There are some features specific to Windows Mobile 6 that I love. The first is that I can use any MP3, WAV or AAC file as a ringtone. After spending $2.50 for a 20 second snippet of a song I already owned and not being able to re-download the song after switching phones, I decided I wanted no part of this hustle from the cell phone companies. All I needed to do was download MP3 Cutter and I have as many ringtones as I have songs on my iPod. They've also fixed the bug from Windows Mobile 5 where if your next appointment shown on the home screen is for a day other than the current day, clicking on it takes you today's calendar instead of the calendar for that day. My phone also came with Office Mobile which means I can actually read all those Word, Excel and Powerpoint docs I get in email all the time.

So what do I dislike about this phone? The battery life is ridiculously short. My phone is consistently out of battery life at the end of the work day. I've never had this problem with the half dozen phones I've had over the past decade. What's even more annoying is that unlike every other phone I've ever seen, there is no battery life indicator on the main screen. Instead I have to navigate to Start menu->Settings->System->Power if I want to check my battery life. On the other hand, there are redundant indicators showing whether I am on the EDGE or 3G networks where the battery indicator used to be in Windows Mobile 5. Another problem is that voice dialing is cumbersome and often downright frustrating. There is a great rant about this in the post What's Wrong With Windows Mobile and How WM7 and WM8 Are Going to Fix It on Gizmodo which is excerpted below

the day-to-day usage of Windows Mobile isn't what you'd call "friendly," either. In fact, it'd probably punch you in the face if you even made eye contact. Take dialing, for instance. How can the main purpose of a phone—calling someone—be so hard to do?


If you're using a Windows Mobile Professional device, you have a few options, none of which are good:

• You can pull out the stylus to tap in the digits. This requires two hands.

• You can try and use your fingertip to call, which doesn't normally work, so you'll use your fingernail, which does work but, as it results in many misdialed numbers, takes forever.

• You can slide out the keyboard and find the dialpad buried among the QWERTY keys and dial, which requires two hands and intense concentration.

• You can try and bring up the contact list, which takes a long-ass time to scroll through, or you can slide out the keyboard again and search by name. Again, two hands.

• Voice Command has been an option for years, but then again, it kinda works, but it doesn't work well.

• Probably the best way to go is to program your most important numbers into speed dial, as you'll be able to actually talk to the correct person within, say, three button presses.

Compare that to the iPhone, which has just a touchscreen, but gets you to the keypad, your favorites, recent calls or your contact list, all within two key presses of the home screen.

It's amazing to me that there are five or six different options if you want to dial and call a number yet they all are a usability nightmare. One pet peeve that is missing from the Gizmodo rant is that when a call is connected, the keypad is hidden. This means that if you are calling any sort of customer service system (e.g. AT&T wireless, Microsoft's front desk, your cable company, etc) you need to first tap "Keypad" with your fingernail and then deal with the cumbersome dialpad.

So far, I like the phone more than I dislike it.  **** out of *****.

I'd love to see the next version of the iPhone ship with the ability to talk to Exchange and support for 3G, and see whether the next generation of Windows Mobile devices stack up.

Rihanna - Hate That I Love You (feat. Ne-Yo)


Categories: Technology