December 5, 2006
@ 02:53 PM

I'm a big fan of alcopops but it seems like everytime I settle on one I like, it stops being carried in my local grocery stores. Here's my list so far

  1. Mike's Hard Iced Tea [relegated to urban legend]
  2. Brutal Fruit [discontinued]
  3. Bacardi Silver O3 [tasty and hard to find]
  4. Hornsby's Amber Hard Cider [so far so good]
This is just my way of warning you folks out there that if you like Hornsbys Amber Hard Cider you better stock up because given my luck it's going to be discontinued in the next couple of months. :)

Tuesday, December 5, 2006 5:52:02 PM (GMT Standard Time, UTC+00:00)
*You're* the guy!

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