I read Marc Andreessen's Analyzing the Facebook Platform, three weeks in and although there's a lot to agree with I was also confused by how he defined a platform in the Web era. After a while, it occurred to me that Marc Andreessen's Ning is part of an increased interest by a number of Web players in chasing after what I like to call the the GoDaddy 2.0 business model. Specifically, a surprisingly disparate group of companies seem to think that the business of providing people with domain names and free Web hosting so they can create their own "Web 2.0" service is interesting. None of these companies have actually come out and said it but whenever I think of Ning or Amazon's S3+EC2, I see a bunch of services that seem to be diving backwards into the Web hosting business dominated by companies like GoDaddy.

Reading Marc's post, I realized that I didn't think of the facilities that a Web hosting provider gives you as "a platform". When I think of a Web platform, I think of an existing online service that enables developers to either harness the capabilities of that service or access its users in a way that allows the developers add value to user experience. The Facebook platform is definitely in this category.  On the other hand, the building blocks that it takes to actually build a successful online service including servers, bandwidth and software building blocks (LAMP/RoR/etc) can also be considered a platform. This is where Ning and Amazon's S3+EC2. With that context, let's look at the parts of Marc's Analyzing the Facebook Platform, three weeks in which moved me to write this. Marc writes 

Third, there are three very powerful potential aspects of being a platform in the web era that Facebook does not embrace.

The first is that Facebook itself is not reprogrammable -- Facebook's own code and functionality remains closed and proprietary. You can layer new code and functionality on top of what Facebook's own programmers have built, but you cannot change the Facebook system itself at any level.

There doesn't seem to be anything fundamentally wrong with this. When you look at some of the most popular platforms in the history of the software industry such as Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office, Mozilla Firefox or Java you notice that none of them allow applications built on them to fundamentally change what they are. This isn't the goal of an application platform. More specifically, when one considers platforms that were already applications such as Microsoft Office or Mozilla Firefox it is clear that the level of extensibility allowed is intended to allow improving the user experience while utilizing the application and thus make the platform more sticky as opposed to reprogramming the core functionality of the application.

The second is that all third-party code that uses the Facebook APIs has to run on third-party servers -- servers that you, as the developer provide. On the one hand, this is obviously fair and reasonable, given the value that Facebook developers are getting. On the other hand, this is a much higher hurdle for development than if code could be uploaded and run directly within the Facebook environment -- on the Facebook servers.

This is one unfortunate aspect of Web development which tends to harm hobbyists. Although it is possible for me to find the tools to create and distribute desktop applications for little or no cost, the same cannot be said about Web software. At the very least I need a public Web server and the ability to pay for the hosting bills if my service gets popular. This is one of the reasons I can create and distribute RSS Bandit to thousands of users as a part time project with no cost to me except my time but cannot say the same if I wanted to build something like Google Reader.

This is a significant barrier to adoption of certain Web platforms which is a deal breaker for many developers who potentially could add a lot of value. Unfortunately, building an infrastructure that allows you to run arbitrary code from random Web developers and gives these untrusted applications database access without harming your core service costs more in time and resources than most Web companies can afford. For now.

The third is that you cannot create your own world -- your own social network -- using the Facebook platform. You cannot build another Facebook with it.

See my response to his first point. The primary reason for the existence of the Facebook platform  is to harness the creativity and resources of outside developers in benefiting the social networks within Facebook. Allowing third party applications to fracture this social network or build competing services doesn't benefit the Facebook application. What Facebook offers developers is access to an audience of engaged users and in exchange these developers make Facebook a more compelling service by building cool applications on it. That way everybody wins.

An application that takes off on Facebook is very quickly adopted by hundreds of thousands, and then millions -- in days! -- and then ultimately tens of millions of users.

Unless you're already operating your own systems at Facebook levels of scale, your servers will promptly explode from all the traffic and you will shortly be sending out an email like this.
The implication is, in my view, quite clear -- the Facebook Platform is primarily for use by either big companies, or venture-backed startups with the funding and capability to handle the slightly insane scale requirements. Individual developers are going to have a very hard time taking advantage of it in useful ways.

I think Marc is over blowing the problem here, if one can even call it a problem. A fundamental truth of building Web applications is that if your service is popular then you will eventually hit scale problems. This was happening last century during "Web 1.0" when eBay outages were regular headlines and website owners used to fear the Slashdot effect. Until the nature of the Internet is fundamentally changed, this will always be the case.

However none of this means you can't build a Web application unless you have VC money or are big company. Instead, you should just have a strategy for how to deal with keeping your servers up and running if you service becomes a massive hit with users.  It's a good problem to have but one needs to remember that most Web applications will never have that problem. ;)

When you develop a new Facebook application, you submit it to the directory and someone at Facebook Inc. approves it -- or not.

If your application is not approved for any reason -- or if it's just taking too long -- you apparently have the option of letting your application go out "underground". This means that you need to start your application's proliferation some other way than listing it in the directory -- by promoting it somewhere else on the web, or getting your friends to use it.

But then it can apparently proliferate virally across Facebook just like an approved application.

I think the viral distribution model is probably one of the biggest innovations in the Facebook platform. Announcing to my friends whenever I install a new application so that they can try them out themselves is pretty killer. This feature probably needs to be fine tuned I don't end up recommending or being recommending bad apps like X Me but that is such a minor nitpick. This is potentially a game changing move in the world of software distribution. I mean, can you imagine if you got a notification whenever one of your friends discovered a useful Firefox add-on or a great Sidebar gadget? It definitely beats using TechCrunch or Download.com as your source of cool new apps.


Tuesday, June 19, 2007 8:17:40 AM (GMT Daylight Time, UTC+01:00)
Ning wanting to host your apps shouldn't be a surprise, that's what they built it for. Of course, it remains to be seen if they have objectives beyond the social networking space.

As for "a plan to keep your servers running," that's exactly what utility computing is all about.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007 9:37:53 PM (GMT Daylight Time, UTC+01:00)
does Obasanjo rhyme with banjo?
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