May 6, 2002
@ 12:58 AM


Looks like my days of living high on the hog with my own office have come screeching to a halt. Now some of the Hailstorm team merged with us we no longer have the luxury everyone on the team having offices. Since office allocation is based on seniority (number of years at MSFT not rank/level per se) then it looks like I'm high on the list of people who'll have to share an office.





April 29, 2002
@ 12:58 AM

I have an idea for an article about the telling difference between User Error and Bad Design in software. Anyone think the article is worth writing?




I just noticed the following bug in Google. Do a search for xml database, then do one for xml and database. Notice a difference?

The only reason I consider it a bug is that Google has the following message under the results for the second query

The "AND" operator is unnecessary -- we include all search terms by default
as well as the text here which implies the word "and" is ignored.




March 20, 2002
@ 11:58 PM

Miguel de Icaza [at dinner tonight with some fellow Borg members]

Software is like sex. You can hire a professional but its more fun when you do it by yourself.




February 12, 2002
@ 11:58 PM

Feels weird. I've left Atlanta permanently for Redmond.




January 31, 2002
@ 11:58 PM

Just when I thought Signal 11's whining couldn't get any louder, he outdoes himself with this thoughts of suicide submission to the story queue. Signal 11's attention whoring and general cluelessness about life have finally pissed me off enough to break my personal rule to not resort to personal attacks in a diary. Rant below.




This entire thread is dumb. From the submitters clueless yet willing to draw paranoid conclusions postings to Jamie's inadvertant confession that he has no idea what he is talking about especially when it comes to technology but won't fail to bash MSFT when he gets the chance.

That bites, I was really hoping for an informed technical discussion on the merits/demerits of the CLR vs. the JVM but it seems so far unless I go ahead and write it up I'm never going to see it. *sigh*




OK, this is going to be long. The pivotal event in my life occured yesterday and now I can catch everyone up on what's been going on with me in no particular order.

Most importantly, Igraduated this past fall with HIGHEST HONORS. Or so I thought.

Well, it turned out that I failed Physics (Yeah, taking 20 hours at Georgia Tech while writing articles on the side isn't as smart as I thought it was) and now may have to stick around for a semester and retake Physics.

More below.


